
The MagLab uses  Integrated Safety Management (ISM) as a process to ensure safe, quality work. Safety training is required for all staff, faculty and users, as well as for long-term visitors.

Please continue to Facility Safety and/or 11 T Safety pages.

Additional Safety Protocols possible during viral outbreaks:

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, AMRIS developed additional, system-specific SOPs (originally issued June 2020) to help protect our users, visitors, and staff during any local outbreaks of common viruses. Because of our Staff and Users’ involvement with UF human subjects research, AMRIS will follow any local masking guidance as provided by UFHealth.

(For 2020 COVID protocol, see:

General virus protocol (throughout AMRIS Facility)

Animal Imaging (7T and 11T NMR/MRI)

Human Imaging (3T systems) – updated May 18, 2021

FDA guidance for face masks on patients during MRI (no metal) – issued Dec. 7, 2020